"Jangan engkau kahwini wanita yang enam; yang ananah, yang mananah, dan yang hananah, dan jangan engkau kahwini yang hadaqah, yang baraqah dan yang syadaqah." - Imam Al-Ghazali.
Wanita Ananah:
Wanita yang banyak mengeluh dan mengadu dan tiap saat memperalatkan sakit atau berpura-pura sakit.
Wanita Mananah:
Wanita yang suka mengungkit-ngungkit terhadap suaminya. Wanita ini sering menyatakan seperti; "Aku membuat itu keranamu"
Wanita Hananah:
Wanita yang menyatakan kasih sayangnya kepada suaminya yang lain, yang dikahwininya sebelum ini atau kepada anaknya dari suami yang lain.
Wanita Hadaqah:
Wanita yang melemparkan pandangan dan matanya pada tiap sesuatu, lalu menyatakan keinginannya untuk memiliki barang itu dan memaksa suaminya untuk membelinya.
Wanita Baraqah:
1) Wanita yang sepanjang hari mengilatkan dan menghias mukanya.
2) Wanita yang marah ketika makan dan tidak mahu makan kecuali sendirian dan diasingkannya bahagianya.
Wanita Syadaqah:
Wanita yang banyak bercakap perkara yang lagha (sia-sia) dan lagi membisingkan.
Tuesday 23 November 2010
Posted by ibnu ismail al-serkami at 03:58 1 comments
Labels: hadith
Sunday 21 November 2010
Tanda Akhlak Seorang Mukmin
Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda: "Di antara akhlak seorang mukmin ialah baik budi bicaranya bila bercakap, baik (tekun) mendengarkan perbicaraan/percakapan, berwajah ceria bila berjumpa atau menyambut tetamu dan menepati janji bila berjanji".
Diriwayatkan oleh: Ad-Dailami.
Posted by ibnu ismail al-serkami at 01:25 0 comments
Labels: hadith
Tanda Kemuliaan Umat Islam
Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda: "Umatku termulia ialah hamalatul-Quran; penghafal Al-Quran dan selalu sembahyang di tengah malam (tahajjud)".
Diriwayatkan oleh: At-Tabarani dan Al-Baihaqi.
Posted by ibnu ismail al-serkami at 01:18 0 comments
Labels: hadith
5 Perkara Pelik Pada Akhir Zaman
Bahawasanya Rasulullah S.A.W. telah bersabda: "Akan berlakunya perkara pelik pada akhir zaman nanti :-
1) Suara Ulama' tidak diperdulikan lagi
2) Al-Quran pada lidah orang-orang fasik
3) Isteri solehah mendapat suami yang jahat
4) Al-Quran di rumah tetapi tidak dibaca
5) Masjid yang indah tapi tidak berpenghuni".
Posted by ibnu ismail al-serkami at 01:13 0 comments
Labels: hadith
3 Kelompok Manusia
Telah bersabda Rasulullah S.A.W.: "Tiga kelompok manusia yang dijabat tangannya oleh para malaikat pada hari mereka keluar dari kuburnya :-
1) Orang-orang yang mati syahid
2) Orang-orang yang mengerjakan solat malam dalam bulan Ramadhan
3) Orang-orang berpuasa di hari Arafah".
Posted by ibnu ismail al-serkami at 00:58 0 comments
Labels: hadith
Wednesday 10 November 2010
Alcohol More Harmful Than Heroin, Crack Cocaine: Study
Scientists looked at the dangers to both the individual and to wider society and found that alcohol was the most dangerous substance, according to the study by the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs (ISCD).
The results fly in the face of long-held opinions about which drugs pose the greatest dangers, with the authors claiming they demonstrate "the present drug classification systems have little relation to the evidence of harm."
"They also accord with the conclusions of previous expert reports that aggressively targeting alcohol... is a valid and necessary public health strategy," said the authors.
Drug experts on the committee devised their own system to judge substances and believe their consensus provides a valuable assessment which could guide policymakers.
The research, published in medical journal The Lancet, looked at the how much a drug harms the human body as well as other factors such as what its use costs the health care and prison systems.
Heroin, crack cocaine and methamphetamine -- or crystal meth -- were found to be the most deadly. But when the wider social effects were factored in, alcohol was the most dangerous, followed by heroin and crack cocaine, said the study.
Substances were given a mark from zero to 100 based on certain criteria, with alcohol scoring 72 overall followed by 55 for heroin and 54 for crack.
One of the study's authors was David Nutt, a former British government drugs adviser during the previous Labour administration.
He was sacked after a disagreement with the government over the decision to upgrade the classification of cannabis.
The ISCD says its remit is to investigate and review scientific evidence relating to drugs, free from political concerns.
Posted by ibnu ismail al-serkami at 09:18 2 comments
Labels: knowledge
Great Interview But No Offer: Why You Didn't Get the Job
1. You sounded desperate.
Hiring manager and recruiters can tell when someone is genuinely interested in their position or in any position. Knowing as much as you can about the opportunity and asking smart questions during the interview will show the hiring manager you've taken the time to evaluate the opportunity.
Companies want to hire people who are passionate about what they do and who want to work with them. You need to be able to articulate what it is about this opportunity and this company that interests you. If you don't, you might seem willing to take anything you are offered--and that's a big turnoff!
2. You didn't sell yourself.
Part of your responsibility in the interview is to tell your story. The stories you share will depend on the types of questions you're asked, but it doesn't hurt to anticipate some of those questions and prepare a few stories beforehand. Be specific and detailed in your answers and back up your experience with anecdotes that illustrates how you qualify for the job.
Consider using the STAR model: talk about situation, task, action, and results. Even if you don't have a chance to tell these specific stories, the exercise of preparing to tell them, of thinking them through, will make you a more prepared candidate.
3. You oversold yourself.
There's a fine line between confidence and arrogance--and crossing it is a deal breaker. Stay away from "what's in it for me?" types of questions. Know what you don't know and readily admit your mistakes if asked about them. Flexibility, adaptability, and willingness to learn are all qualities you want to exude as a confident job seeker.
4. An employee referral or internal candidate popped up.
If two candidates have a similar background and one comes with an internal referral, the company is more likely to take the safer path. The employer already has an idea of how an internal candidate will perform in a role based on their experience working together. A referred candidate, too, typically has a working relationship with someone in the company who can attest to his or her work ethic. Companies trust these referrals because they expect their employees to refer only candidates who would reflect well on them.
5. The job specifications changed.
This is a common occurrence, especially with newly created positions. As hiring authorities meet potential candidates and hear about their experiences, they sometimes recognize new priorities or goals that relate to the position, which may cause them to shift their hiring focus.
Posted by ibnu ismail al-serkami at 09:10 0 comments
Labels: knowledge